Stretnutia s ľuďmi a autoritami
We regularly engage with both migrants and resident communities in order to be able to present their immediate views, concerns, problems at timely meetings and forums. We are proactive in listening to the needs and issues of the community in order to be their ‘voice.’ We not only provide support and advice but also work on developing mutual cultural understanding to ensure that we live in a society that treats people equally.
Pravidelne spolupracujeme s prisťahovalcami a rezidentnymi komunitami, aby sme mohli včas prezentovať ich názory, obavy, problémy na stretnutiach a fórach. Aktívne počúvame potreby a problémy komunity, aby sme boli ich „hlasom“. Poskytujeme nielen podporu a poradenstvo, ale pracujeme aj na rozvoji vzájomného kultúrneho porozumenia, aby sme zaistili, že žijeme v spoločnosti, ktorá zaobchádza s ľuďmi rovnako.