20 The Hive, Northfleet,
Kent, DA11 9DE

07492 351934


The Romani Slovak Czech Community CIC was shortlisted for the FSB South East Awards 2023 in the category of Community Awards. We were one of four finalists from hundreds of submissions. 
Furthermore, our director Andrea Jackova received a Highly Commended Award from the Gravesham Borough Council this year. Gravesham’s Annual Awards scheme is the council’s opportunity to celebrate and recognise the voluntary contributions to the community of people living and working in Gravesham.

Rómska slovenská česká komunita CIC sa dostala do užšieho výberu FSB South East Awards 2023 v kategórii Odcenenia pre komunitnu pracu. Boli sme jedným zo štyroch finalistov zo stoviek kadidatov. 
Okrem toho naša riaditeľka Andrea Jacková tento rok získala ocenenie "Highly Commended Award" od Gravesham Borough Council. Program výročných cien Gravesham je príležitosťou mestskej rady osláviť a oceniť dobrovoľnicku a komunitnu pracu ľudí žijúcich a pracujúcich v Graveshame.