Mikuláš 2018
St Nicholas Day was a great success. Goody bags were given to many children who attended the event, others went to churches, charities and also to a homeless shelter. The rest of the goody bags were given during the event 'Christmas Fair in the Square' which we delivered together with Northfleet Big Local and took place in front of our community centre.
Mikuláš v kostole bol úspešný. Mnohým deťom sme rozdali balíčky, putovali aj pre kostoly, charitu a tiež útolok pre bezdomovcov. Ďalšie balíčky boli rozdane deťom pred naším komunitným centrom vrámci podujatia „Vianoce na námestí, ktoré sme zorganizovali spolu s Northfleet Big Local.
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