20 The Hive, Northfleet,
Kent, DA11 9DE

07492 351934

Mikuláš 2020

This year Romani Slovak Czech Community CIC partnered with the Northfleet Central CIO to celebrate St Nicholas Day with the distribution of 350 goody bags! The bags were prepared by the Romani Slovak Community and were donated to Hive Hope Foodbank, Gravesham Foodbank and Rowhill School.

While St. Nicholas Day is not to be confused with Christmas, though similarities do exist. Tradition suggests leaving treats for good boys and girls; however, the naughty ones receive a twig or chunk of coal. St. Nicholas Day is celebrated worldwide on the anniversary of his death.

Tento rok Romani Slovak Czech Community CIC v spolupraci s Northfleet Cetnral CIO pri príležitosti osláv Dňa svätého Mikuláša rozdala 350 balickov, ktore boli pripravené Romani Slovak Czech Community CIC a venované Hive Hope Foodbank, Gravesham Foodbank a Rowhill School.

Aj keď si deň svätého Mikuláša netreba zamieňať s Vianocami, podobnosti existujú. Tradícia hovori nechavani dobrot pre dobrých chlapcov a dievčatá; nezbedníci však dostanú vetvičku alebo kus uhlia. Deň svätého Mikuláša sa na celom svete oslavuje v deň výročia jeho smrti.